

AlpineQuest is the complete solution for all outdoor activities and sports, including hiking, running, trailing, hunting, sailing, geocaching, off-road navigation and much more.

You can access and store locally a large range of on-line topographic maps, which will remain available even while being out of cell coverage. AlpineQuest also supports on-board file based maps, like MemoryMap© maps.

By using the GPS and the magnetic sensor of your device (with compass display), getting lost is part of the past: you are localized in real-time on the map, which can also be oriented to match where you are looking at.

Save and retrieve placemarks, share them with your friends. Track your path, get advanced statistics and interactive graphics. You won't have anymore questions about what you can accomplish.

By staying fully operational out of cell coverage (as often in mountain or abroad), AlpineQuest assists you in all your desires of deep wilderness exploring…

AlpineQuest is available for all Android powered devices (including mobiles, laptops and tablets). While it has been reported to work correctly on LineageOS and /e/OS, we do not offer technical support on those plateforms. Please note that it is not available on iOS and Windows phones.

Version 2.3.9b is available! (release note)

Maps stay available, always.

AlpineQuest can use file based maps stored on your SD memory card, available even in non-networked areas.

You can also display maps from online websites when an Internet access is available. All the data is automatically stored locally for offline use.

Maps are fast to display, no more dependence to the network signal quality, downloaded data volume is drastically reduced.


The map can be oriented according to the North (using the magnetic sensor), and you can be located on them (using the GPS chip).

You can create your own file based offline maps using the free Mobile Atlas Creator software. It allows you to create maps on your PC using your high speed home Internet access.

More information on maps

Features AlpineQuest Explorer Lite AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer
Display AlpineQuest (.AQM/.PGD) file based maps Yes Yes
Display and store locally built-in online maps (road, topo and satellite maps available), including USGS Topo and Swiss Topo maps Yes Yes
Display maps as layers with dynamic opacity, contrast and saturation control Yes Yes
Offline elevations management (DEM) with high-quality terrain, hillshade and slopes layers No Yes
Display file based on-board maps like GeoPackage, Memory-Map QCT, OziExplorer OZF2, MBTile, GeoTIFF, CompteGPS RMaps, etc. No Yes
Import KML/KMZ raster overlays from calibrated images No Yes
Add more online map sources from the Community Maps list, from MOBAC custom map files or user defined No Yes


With AlpineQuest you can browse and display data from GPX files (standard format for GPS data exchange), KML/KMZ files (used in Google Earth) and LOC files (used for Geocaching).

AlpineQuest can also save locations, create routes, areas, and record tracks. You can get statistics and export them to any compatible application, like Google Earth.


More information on placemarks in AlpineQuest

Features AlpineQuest Explorer Lite AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer
Store locally and retrieve unlimited waypoints Yes Yes
Handle complex placemarks such as areas, routes and tracks No Yes
Statistics and graphics on tracks No Yes
Impact time-tagged placemarks by time No Yes
Import and export placemarks from GPX, CSV, Google Earth KML/KMZ, OziExplorer PLT/WPT, GeoJSON and IGC files No Yes
Ability to store and share online locations, exchange information on the map with other users No Yes

Track your paths without limits

AlpineQuest comes with a powerful GPS Location Tracker that will record all your tracks for hours. At any time, you can get advanced statistics and display dynamic graphics.

By using your device air pressure sensor, AlpineQuest can also compute and use barometric elevations, much more precise than GPS elevations.


Features AlpineQuest Explorer Lite AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer
On map localisation, previous locations track, complete GPS and barometer status board1 Yes Yes
Compass, orientation of the map to match your current direction, target finder2 Yes Yes
Built-in GPS Location1 with auto-calibrated Barometric Altimeter3 Tracker No Yes
Complete statistics and dynamic graphics on your tracks (elevations, speeds, inclines, accuracies, pressures, etc.) No Yes
GPX and KML export of your tracks, for use in external applications, like Google Earth No Yes

1. require a GPS compatible device, 2. require a compass compatible device, 3. require a barometer compatible device

Don't wait, try it right now!

AlpineQuest Explorer Lite AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer
This Lite version is perfect for discovering the application or for occasional users. It's completely free and not limited in time. Enjoy all features of one of the most powerful Android off-road topo GPS.
Price: Free
(Ad free)
Price: €14.99
(one time, all future updates included)
No access to Google Play? Get the APK install file here Buy the complete version on our website using PayPal

Compare the versions

Contact and support

Don't forget to visit the AlpineQuest Online Help.

Feel free to contact us for any question, problem, or for sharing your suggestions:


AlpineQuest is currently available in the following languages:

Don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested in translating few parts of the application in another language.