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Online Help > AlpineQuest 2.x > Maps & Layers > How to check the availability of locally stored data?

How to check the availability of locally stored data?

When at least one on-demand map is displayed, you can check the availability of locally stored data for this map using different ways.

Using the "Use only local storage" option

This option will prevent the application to download any new map data, and force it to only use the local storage. You can then be sure that all displayed areas are available for offline use.

When the “Use only local storage” option is checked, an small icon warns you that the application is in offline mode and won't download any new data .

When displaying an area with no stored data available, the application will display an “Area not stored… message to let you know that this option is currently active.


Using the "Show local storage coverage" option

This option activates the display of on-map indicators showing the availability of locally stored data, available for offline use:

The indicators only show the status of the lower most on-demand map.

To display the coverage indicators:
